I am a Senior Research Fellow in Census Innovation at the Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London (UCL). I work with the Centre for Longitudinal Study Information and User Support (CeLSIUS) to support the development of secure UK Census products for public good research. Before joining UCL, I completed my PhD in Social Sciences and MSc in Data Science and Analytics at Cardiff University, and held posts as a research officer at the UK Office for National Statistics and the Welsh Government.

I am a quantitative social scientist with expertise in the use of administrative data, spatial analysis, and quasi-experimental methods for applied social research. My research interests span the social and population sciences and focus on the analysis of neighbourhood effects, public policy, and elections. These include:

  • The impacts of local economic, environmental, and policy shocks on people and places
  • The formation of individual preferences within neighbourhoods and social networks
  • The spatial dimensions of social processes